Summer Workshop on the History of Science and Technology in Modern East Asia
June 21-23, 2019
Co-Sponsored by the HPS Program,
Seoul National University

Hoam Faculty House (Seoul National University)
Gwanak-ro, Bongcheon-dong,
Gwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Workshop Schedule
Thursday (June 20)
6:30 PM: Informal dinner for all those who have arrived by then
–Cherry, Main Building
Friday (June 21)
MORNING(moderator: Dong-Won Kim) –Water Lily, Samsung Convention Center
9:00-9:30 am: Opening remarks by organizers, and brief self-introductions by participants
*9:30-10:20 am: Presentation (Shigehisa Kuriyama) on the art of presentation
10:20-10:35 am Coffee break
10:35-11:45 am: Work in small groups on presentation exercises and techniques
Noon-1 pm: Group photo, then LUNCH–Maple, Main Building
AFTERNOON(moderator: Suzanne Moon) –Water Lily, Samsung Convention Center
1:00-2:20 pm: Individual presentations, Part 1 (with video recordingfor later review)
(10 minutes devoted to each individual: 5-minute presentation + 5 minutes of feedback and suggestions from entire group)
2:20-2:30 pm: Break
2:30-3:50 pm: Individual presentations, Part 2 (with video recordingfor later review)
(10 minutes devoted to each individual: 5-minute presentation + 5 minutes of feedback and suggestions from entire group)
3:50-4:05 pm: Coffee break
4:05-5:30 pm: Discussion of individual presentations within small groups
6:30 pm: DINNER–Maple, Main Building
Saturday (June 22)
MORNING(moderator: Doogab Yi) –Rose, SK Guest House
*9:00-10:30 am: Presentations by invited faculty (Suzanne Moon, Takehiko Hashimoto, Wen-Hua Kuo) with Q&A, Part 1
*10:30-10:45 am: Coffee break
*10:45-11:45 am: Presentations by invited faculty (Shigehisa Kuriyama, Hyungsub Choi) with Q&A, Part 2
Noon-1:00 pm: LUNCH–Lily, Main Building
AFTERNOON(moderator: Takehiko Hashimoto) –Rose, SK Guest House
1:00-2:45 pm: Discussion within small groups of group project challenge
2:45-3:00 pm: Coffee break
3:00-4:00 pm: 7-minute presentations by each of the small groups on their solution to the challenge, followed by discussion of the presentations
4:00-4:10 pm: Break
4:10-5:30 pm: presentation and discussion within small groups of individual projects
6:30 pm: DINNER –Inheon Goeul, outside
Sunday (June 23)
MORNING(moderator: Wen-Hua Kuo) –Rose, SK Guest House
*9:00-10:30 am: Participants present final versions (5 minutes each) of their presentations (with video recordingfor later review)
*10:30-10:45 am: Coffee break
10:45-11:45 pm: group discussion of the presentations
11:45-noon: closing remarks by organizers
Noon-1:00 pm: LUNCH and end of formal workshop –Maple, Main Building
Optional: Group excursion to the Gwacheon National Science Museum
NB: sessions marked with asterisk (*) open to local students and faculty
List of Participants
HASHIMOTO, Takehiko (University of Tokyo, Editor of Historia Scientiarum)
KUO, Wen-Hua (National Yang-Min University, Editor of EASTS)
KURIYAMA, Shigehisa (Harvard University)
MOON, Suzanne (University of Oklahoma, Editor of Technology and Culture)
Panel Speakers:
CHOI, Hyungsub (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
HASHIMOTO, Takehiko (University of Tokyo, Editor of Historia Scientiarum)
KUO, Wen-Hua (National Yang-Min University, Editor of EASTS)
KURIYAMA, Shigehisa (Harvard University)
MOON, Suzanne (University of Oklahoma, Editor of Technology and Culture)
Group 1: KANG, Hyeok Hweon (M): Harvard University; Military History in 16-19thKorea
Group 1: MORAND, F.G.W. (M): City Univ.of Hong Kong; Japanese Transfer of Green Tech.
Group 1: WOO, Taemin (F): KAIST; Biotechnology in South Korea
Group 1: LIANG, Yue (F): SUNY Binghamton; Popular Science Culture in China
Group 2: HU, Yize (M): Johns Hopkins University; Computer simulation in Japan
Group 2: GREATREX, Jack (M): University of Hong Kong; Plague & Medical Science in China
Group 2: PARK, Jiyoung (F): Seoul National University; Medical Research in Colonial Korea
Group 2: LI, Yujie (F): Univ.of Chicago: Muscle Powered Transportation in SocialistChina
Group 3: LIN, James (M): University of Washington; Agricultural Science in Taiwan
Group 3: YOO, Sangwoon (M): Seoul National University; semiconductor in South Korea
Group 3: KANG, Juhee (F): Harvard University; History of Mind in Japan
Group 4: WRIGHT, James (M): CEADJP, Paris; Innovation Policy (robot) in Japan
Group 4: WU, Peiyi (M): Univ. of Chinese Academy of Science; X-ray physics in China
Group 4: SHIN, Youjung (F): KAIST; Neural Network in South Korea
Group 4: SUN, Jing (F): UPenn; Saiki Tadasu & Global Science of Nutrition
KIM, Dong-Won (D. Kim Foundation)
KURIYAMA, Shigehisa (Harvard University)
LIM, Jongtae (Seoul National University)
MOON, Suzanne (Oklahoma University)
YI, Doogab (Seoul National University), moderator
BAE, Sanghee (Seoul National University) & Yi, Jongsik (Harvard University)